Gallery Hours:
Henry Hobbie
My career as a licensed Optician served me well for over 40 years. It required attention to detail and a dedication to my patients. I enjoyed it immensely, but I always wanted to find a way to be more challenged in a creative manner.
Setting the time aside and giving myself permission to explore my creative side took some doing. I have always derived such pleasure from viewing artist’s work in galleries. I always wondered how they achieved a certain effect or how they were able to capture a feeling with just a brushstroke. Having had no formal training, I went out and bought paint, brushes and canvases and began my creative journey.
Creating my art started a little later in life, but once it took hold it opened a whole new world of color and texture along with the discovery that inspiration can come in the most surprising and unexpected ways. Arona Abstracts is homage to my late mother whom I have branded my designs after. Arona, her middle name, is a beautiful Hebrew name meaning “mountain of strength.”
I am delighted to find myself being productive and challenged every time I pick up a paint brush. I love every part of the process, from having an idea, exploring the aisles of the art stores then laying the paint down on canvas. But the best part is the satisfaction of seeing what I have created and sharing it with someone who appreciates it the same way I do.
-Henry Hobbie